Public Exhibition, Melbourne

We designed and built a botanical sculpture as a living library, showcasing the learnings from five different research units, for a public exhibition.

Botanical Sculpture
Set Design
Set Dressing

United Make
Miriam Borcherdt (Kin Studio)
Bethany Edgoose (Inferstudio)
Yuhan (Psyche) Hou(LLDS / PTM)
Paul Loh (UoM / LLDS / PTM)
David Leggett (LLDS / PTM)
Robert Smith (Bompas & Parr)
Nicoletta Stecca (rén collective)
Nathan Su (Inferstudio)

United Make
Melbourne Design School, University of Melbourne
Architectural Association Visiting School

The work was displayed on a six metre dining table—the modern day fireplace, the universal space where eating, socialising and conversations happen. Transitioning from the ‘wild’, to the cultivated and ‘tamed’, the flora landscape undulated across—and through—the table, linking each of the five units thematically to the next. This exhibition was both interactive and immersive—alongside the scent of the flowers were mist, burnt eucalyptus, native herbs and a carefully crafted soundtrack.